We would like to thank the following individuals for helping us support and enrich the lives of families who have experienced the devastating loss of a child. Our Center could not provide services without the love and compassion shown by all who have contributed to our efforts.
We humbly thank you for your generous support.
Ajax Consulting Services, LLC - in memory of Anthony Harold Gulla
Alison and Timothy Holt - in memory of Anthony Harold Gulla
Amy Garvin - in memory of Avalina Walsh
Andrew S. Freed and Catherine E. Denn-Freed - in memory of Landon Dawley
Anita E. Ferrari - in memory of Michael Owen O’Loughlin
Ann and John Early - in memory of Jeanie Couture
Ann and Ted Early - in memory of Jean Cunniffee
Anne McGuiggan - in memory of Madyson Mahoney and Neil Reilly
Ann M. Phaneuf - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Ann Marie Tilley - in memory of Jeanie Couture
Annemarie R. Tredennick - in memory of Edward Donohue
Annette Bradley - in memory of Fiona Zaglia
Annette Stavros - in memory of Kimberly Dawn Orshak
Anna Delisgnore and Paula Deconing - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Arlene Lamberti - in memory of Jeanie Couture
ATC Services - in memory of Michael Owen O’Loughlin
Barbara A. Shea
Barbara and Louis Bertonazzi - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Barbara and Phil Wagaman - in memory of Joseph Daly
Barbara Kawadler - in memory of Landon Thomas Dawley
Barbara Wickham - in memory of Joseph Daly
Barry Finnegan - in memory of Edward Donohue
Big Y Foods, Inc
Bob D’Amico
Bonnie Withington - in memory of Shirley Rogers
Brandon Compagnone - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Brenda Factor - in memory of Gerald Donnelly
Brenda McDonough - in memory of Madyson Mahoney
Brittany Hill
Carl S. Deieso, Jr Car Leo Floor Covering - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Carol J. and Jon E. Rouleau - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Central Sunshine Fund - in memory of Madyson Mahoney and Neil Reilly
Charles D. Rogers
Charles Pye - in memory of Leanna Belocas
Cheryl Zamoida - in memory of Landon Thomas Dawley
Chrissy McStowe
Christina and David Proppe - in memory of Kimberley Dawn Orshak
Christine Casagrande - in memory of Joseph Daly
Christopher Barry
Claudia and Peter Scandone - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Community Health Charities
Craig and Nancy Whiteley - in memory of Shirley Rogers
Crystal Lizana - in memory of London Sturdivant
Curtis Tredennick - in memory of Edward Donohue
Cynthia and David Swierk - in memory of Jeanie Couture
Cynthia Reppucci - in memory of Mackenzie Nalen
David and Nancy Lewis - in memory of Shirley Rogers & Danny
Deborah J. Gelinas - in memory of Joseph Dalye
Denise C. Maleiko - in memory of Anthony Harold Gulla
Denise Duffy - in memory of Patricia Hurley
Denise Riley - in memory of Jeanie Couture
Diane F. Grant - in memory of Landon Thomas Dawley
Dierdre Habershaw - in memory of Jeanie Couture
Dieuwke M. Fiedler and Peter Fiedler - in memory of Landon Dawley
Dolores Fagioli - in memory of Mario Morong
Domenic Compagnone - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Donald A. Belforti - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Donna Donahue and Lawrence Ciccarelli - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Donna M. Grant - in memory of Landon Thomas Dawley
Donna McAdam - in memory of Joseph Daly
Doreen Mathews - in memory of Alexander Shaw
Doris and Gianluigi Soldati - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Dow Trust - in memory of Shirley Rogers
Edna M. and Henry P. Desimone - in memory of Landon Thomas Dawley
Edward and Shirley McCaffrey- in memory of Edward Donohue
Edward J. Sullivan, Jr - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Edward Kenney - in memory of Anne Campbell
Eileen Cunniffe - in memory of Jeanie Couture
Eileen Cuniffee - in memory of Jean Cunniffe
Eileen L. Buckley - in memory of Landon Thomas Dawley
Eileen Lyons - in memory of Jeanie Couture
Eileen Lyons - in memory of Jean Cunniffe
Eleanor Kirk - in memory of Joanne Cook
Elizabeth Costantini
Elizabeth J. Sacco - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Ellen and James Dunn - in memory of Fiona Zaglia
Ellen and Andrew Kwait - in memory of Shawn Kwait
Ellen Hickey and Erin Webber - in memory of Jeanie Couture
Elliott J. Mahler - in memory of Jeanie Couture
Emily Hurd - in memory of Joanne Cook
Emma DeSimone
Employees of Education Testing Service
Ernest Bettuchy - in memory of Kimberley Dawn Orshak
Fidelity Charitable
Florence Hodkinson - in memory of Shirley Rogers
Frederick and Janet Symes - in memory of Landon Dawley
Gail Hackett - in memory of Jean Cunniffee
Gale and Thomas Mantegani - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Gary Tratt - in memory of Shirley Rogers
George Juliano - in memory of Mike Cunniffe
Gerald F. Swift - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Gerald & Sally Coughlan – in memory of Shirley Rogers
Geraldine M. Crescenzi - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Geralding Perry - in memory of Dorthy A. (Lowe) Garlick
Gloria and Joseph Ruggiero - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Gloria and Peter Finnegan- in memory of Landon Dawley
Greg Brace – in memory of Alastair Brace
Holly and Eric High - in memory of James High
James P. Conway, JR - in memory of Kimberley Dawn Orshak
James V. Darigan and Prudence Young Darigan - in memory of Kimberley Dawn Orshak
Jami and Heidi Whitney - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Jane Kalfus-Maine - in memory of Lily Isaacs
Jason Novack
Jaymi Bertone - in memory of Christopher Bertone
Jean A. and Elizabeth A. Derwin - in memory of Anthony Harold Gulla
Jean M. and John M. Cunniffe - in memory of Jeanie Couture
Jean M. Lafreniere - in memory of Anthony Gulla
Jeanne and Michael Van Dyke - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Jeanne Kohutanycz - in memory of Anne Campbell
Jeanne O’Connell EA, Tax and Financial Services - in memory of Ryan Sulloway O’Connell
Jeffrey Hopkinson - in memory of Joseph Daly
Jisha Menon - in memory of Neel Menon
JM Paving Inc. - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Joan E. Ahern - in memory of Kimberly Dawn Orshak
Joan and Kerry Kirby - in memory of Dorothy Conlon
Joann Culcasi - in memory of Jeanie Couture
Joanne Lynch and Martha Duffy - in memory of Edward Donohue
Joel Magnusson - in memory of Beverly Gaumond
John and Ann Marie Cotton - in memory of Shirley Rogers
John Curtis - in memory of Madyson Mahoney and Neil Reilly
John Cox - in memory of Patricia Hurley
John Hancock
John J. O’Rourke - in memory of Edward Donohue
Joyce Family - in memory of Patricia Hurley
Joyce M. and Dwaine Dean - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Journey Wellness - in memory of Michael Owen O’Loughlin
Judith A. Cirillo - in memory of Kimberley Dawn Orshak
Judith and Kevin Keymont - in memory of John D. Burke
Judith E. Souza - in memory of Shirley Rogers
Julie Lawton
Karen and Christopher Morelli - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Karen M. Balian - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Kate Merrigan - in memory of Griffin Charland
Katherine Brophy - in memory of Ayla Waite
Kathleen and Leonard Garabedian - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Kathleen and Michael Cogliandro - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Kathleen and Timothy J. Duquette - in memory of Joseph Daly
Kathleen Fallon - in memory of Jeanie Couture
Kathleen McSheffrey - in memory of Jeanie Couture
Kathryn Mulvey - in memory of Isabel
Kathy Aldham-Buckley - in memory of John D. Burke
Keith Anderson - in memory of Baby Boo Liani
Kelly Berndt - in memory of Lia Madigan
Kenneth Meaden Jr.
Kim M. and Ralph W. Digiorgio - in memory of Landon Thomas Dawley
Kim Schwartz
Knights of Columbus - Chelsea Council #83 - in memory of Arianna Catherine Martin
Kristyn Delaney - in memory of Edward Donohue
Kyle Marsden - in memory of Patricia Hurley
Lauragale D'Amico - in memory of Landon Thomas Dawley
Laurette T. Whittier - in memory of John D. Burke
Lawrence Daly - in memory of Jeanie Couture
Lawrence Daly - in memory of Jean Cunniffe
Leslie K. Meyer & George B. Dean - in memory of Megan Montanna Dean
Linda Creed
Linda and Michael Lewison - in memory of Shirley Rogers
Linda R. and Richard J. Pilla - in memory of Michael Owen O’Loughlin
Lisa B. and Jeffrey M. Burnett - in memory of Joseph Daly
Lisa Mancuso - in memory of Mackenzie Nalen
Lisa Martin - in memory of Teddy Munro
Lisa May- in memory of Michael Owen O’Loughlin
Loretta and James Gentilotti - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Louis and Jaymi Bertone - in memory of Christopher Bertone
Louise Thompson
Lucy Msall
Lynn A. Arnold - in memory of Joseph Daly
Lynn MacLellan - in memory of Patricia Hurley
Lynn M. Turner
Lynn Steinbrick - in memory of Edward Donohue
Maile and Dan Madigan - in memory of Lia Madigan
Makepar Corporation - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Mandi Jackson - in memory of Lily Isaacs
Margaret A. Pacelli- in memory of Landon Dawley
Margaret Gannon - in memory of Jeanie Couture
Marc and Nancy Bacon - in memory of Dorothy Conlon
Marian E. and Dennis J. Candini - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Marilyn C. Augustyn, M.D. and George Westerman, M.D.
Marilyn Getz - in memory of Kimberley Dawn Orshak
Marjorie and Jack Orshak - in memory of Kimberley Dawn Orshak
Marjorie Kirstein - in memory of Kimberley Dawn Orshak
Mark A. Ayanian - in memory of Landon Dawley
Marion Read - in memory of Lia Madigan
Marjorie Peddy McGraw - in memory of Shirley Rogers
Martha White - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Martin E. McNair - in memory of Kimberley Dawn Orshak
Mary and Kevin F, Carney- in memory of Anne Campbell
Mary and Mark G. Corcoran- in memory of Anne Campbell
Mary A. and Josep F. Arcudi - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Mary B. and John A. Kilday
Mary Ivanoski - in memory of Jeanie Couture
Mary Lou and Edward Jay Thompson - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Mary Lovett and Carol Ann Conway - in memory of Kimberley Dawn Orshak
Mary McDonald - in memory of Jeanie Couture
Mary Monica Costa - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Mary Paschal - in memory of Jean Cunniffe
Maryann and Harold Solletti - in memory of Kimberley Dawn Orshak
Maryellen McVey - in memory of Shirley Rogers
MAS Building & Bridge Inc.
Massachusetts Convention Center Authority
Maureen Banks - in memory of Jean Cunniffe
Maureen and Neal Snebold, MD - in memory of Anne Campbell
Maureen A. and Paul D. Wilson - in memory of Joseph Daly
Maxine Liberman - in memory of Kimberly Dawn Orshak
Maxine Weinreb
Megan Bailey - in memory of Fern Stuck-Girard
Meghan Gillespie
Michael Conti - in memory of Mackenzie Nalen
Michele Penney - in memory of Landon Thomas Dawley
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Toland - in memory of Mark J. Toland
Nadine M. and Catino Messina - in memory of Landon Thomas Dawley
Nancy E. and Douglas B. Clinton - in memory of Anthony Losordo
Nancy Kerins - in memory of Jonathan Kerins
Nancy O’Grady - in memory of Mike Cunniffe
Nancy Pizzillo
Naoko and Donald Hague
NHS Special Education Department - in memory of Joanne Cook
Nicholas S. Ratush
Nick Shaheen - in memory of Joanne Cook
Noah Olenchek - in memory of Adrian Olenchek
Norma Browinski - in memory of Foster Cummings
Norman P Hyett and Maxine S. Liberman- in memory of Kimberly Dawn Orshak
Nutter, McClennen & Fish, LLP - in memory of Anthony Harold Gulla, Jr.
Pamela and Robert Palmer - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Patricia A Rogers - in memory of Anthony Gulla
Patricia and John Kelley - in memory of Joyce Marie
Patricia and John K. McCarthy - in memory of Anne Campbell
Patricia Bechtold - in memory of John Burke
Patricia Cellucci - in memory of Jeanie Couture
Patricia and Michael Cellucci - in memory of Jean Cunniffe
Patricia Fallon - in memory of Jean Cunniffe
Patricia Fallon and Gerald Demko - in memory of Jeanie Couture
Patricia Kingsbury - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Paul and Mary Becker - in memory of Patricia Hurley
Paul Sharp - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Peggy and Steve Palmer - in memory of Landon Thomas Dawley
Peri S. and James A. Kutchin - in memory of Landon Thomas Dawley
Peter V. Macchi - in memory of of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Peter V. Milano - in memory of Patricia Hurley
Phillip and Joan Perry - in memory of Shirley Rogers
R. Lucille Gilbert - in memory of Anthony Gulla, Jr.
Rachel L. Rivin and Corinne J. Heyes - in memory of Landon Dawley
Raymond & Sharon Devita – in memory of Shirley Rogers
Rebecca A. and John J. Murphy - in memory of Kimberley Dawn Orshak
Rebecca Norris - in memory of Vera Seton
Regina M. Panzini - in memory of Landon Dawley
Rena and Donald Fairbanks - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Richard F. Morello - in memory of Arriana Rosari
Richard Perito - in memory of Mike Cunniffe
Robert E. Mulcahey - in memory of Joseph Daly
Robert J. Barney
Robert J. Collins - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Robert J. O'Brien - in memory of Barry Metayer, Jr.
Robert M. Peluso - in memory of Robert Stephen Peluso
Rockland Eagles #841
Rogers & Marney, Inc. - in memory of Shirley Rogers
Ronald and Mary Ellen Boretti - in memory of Landon Dawley
Rosemary Blatz - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Rosemary and David C. Saviano - in memory of Anne Campbell
Rouleau Realty - in memory of Michael Owen O’Loughlin
Roy Louis Spring - in memory of Shirley Rogers
Ruth N. and Matthew S. Pini - in memory of Zack Raymond
Salvatore Bertolami - in memory of Jeanie Couture
Sarah Enos - in memory of Leanna Belocas
Sasha Carter - in memory of Lia Madigan
Saul A. and Jodi B. Scherl - in memory of Anthony Gulla, Jr.
Sheila Bailey
Sherly J. and William B. Appleton - in memory of Landon Thomas Dawley
SIDS Race for Life
Stephen Botello - in memory of Shirley Rogers
Susan and Richard Cecchi - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Susan Hutchinson and John Aiken - in memory of Patricia Hurley
Susan and Robert Peluso - in memory of Robert Stephen Peluso
Suzanne d’Amonville - in memory of Lily Isaacs
Suzanne Phillip - in memory of Marion Keeley Coughlin
Suzie Batista - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Sydney O Webbe - in memory of Kimberley Dawn Orshak
Tamra O’Connor - in memory of Leanna Belocas
Teal Cole - in memory of Baby Girl Millios McLaughlin
Tina Qvarnstrom - in memory of Shirley Rogers
The Boston Beer Company
The Janet and Dan Dubner Charitable Fund - in memory of Joanne Cook
Thomas and Grace Boudreau - in memory of Landon Thomas Dawley
Thomas Showstead - in memory of Kimberley Dawn Orshak
Tyna Sloate - in memory Edward Donohue
UnitedHealth Group
United States Postal Service
United Way of Central and Northeastern CT
United Way of Greater Plymouth County, Inc.
Valerie Hatfield - in memory of Edward Donohue
Vanda Soldati and Jeffrey D. Jones - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Virginia Crisp - in memory of Mike Cunniffe
Volpe Tool and Die - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Wendell and Joanne Phillips - in memory of Michael Owen O'Loughlin
Wendy and Jon Shaw - in memory of Alexander Shaw
William Dwyer
William Goad & Family - in memory of Edward Donohue
William L. Pavao, Jr. - in memory of Madyson Mahoney & Neil Reilly
ZS Associates – in memory of Bouka Summit